Whole Brain® Technology overview in organizations
The Whole Brain® Technology
- A validated, research-backed assessment instrument which provides the baseline of knowledge about an individual’s thinking preferences
- A method and common language to help leaders and employees integrate their thinking styles with team members’ for more effective communication
- A model and approach that is easy to understand, remember and apply
- An approach that demonstrated how thinking styles impact communication, productivity and teamwork, and as a result customer (internal/external) satisfaction
The Whole Brain® impact is everywhere!
The strengths of the Whole Brain® Model
- A language using four colors, very easy to teach and assimilate.
- An application tool that is simple and concrete, easily understood and usable by all (managers & employees).
- A model that incorporates and promotes diverse points of view.
- A frame of reference compatible with all other management tools that allows people to position themselves relative to:
- their job,
- their colleagues,
- their team,
- their department,
- their organization,
- their customers.
It’s not what they think, it’s how they think
Everything we do, from how we approach tasks, solve problems and direct our attention to how we communicate and want to be communicated to
– is influenced by the way we prefer to think.
Someone preferring methodical, sequential thinking, for example, will take a very different approach to getting the job done to someone who prefers to look at the big picture and think conceptually.
Neither is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and, in fact, all styles of thinking are essential to getting the best outcomes from a collaborative team effort but, if they are not understood and managed appropriately, communication breakdowns, delays and frustrations are often the result.
When that happens, we end up with non-productive meetings and the waste of valuable brainpower.
Without an understanding of the thinking aspects involved
and a process to leverage difference, we hit a wall.
David Rock’s quotes...
(Dr. David Rock coined the term ‘Neuroleadership’ and is the Director of the NeuroLeadership Institute)
- Performance is drived by our behaviors and habits, but those are driven by our feelings, which in turn are driven by our thoughts.
- Organization need to instill in their leaders and managers the ability to transform performance by improving thinking.
- It’s time leaders learned how to improve people’s thinking. Thinking is what many employees are being paid to do after all.
- Yet if you want to improve performance, the most effective way to do this is to start at the bottom-to improve thinking.
Objectives of a team session
- Know & understand better your own thinking preferences
- Achieve better results by exploring how you can be most effective individually and as a team
- Develop options you might wish to pursue to be most effective individually and as a team
- Access each of the 4 quadrants when needed
- Formulate and transmit messages more effectively
- Understand and decode the messages sent to you
- Grow respect & appreciation of the different thinking styles
- Build confidence & improve trust
Complete Team preference map
Discuss and analyze the team
gravitation point looking at the
team strengths and
Complete Team preference map
Discuss and analyze the positioning of the team members on a
normal situation and what kind of evolution each of them has
under pressure or stress.
Complete Team process flow
Discuss and analyze the team’s process flow in a normal
situation and under stress or pressure to create awareness on
how the team jumps into a project, task, decision making or problem solving.
Final Team Objective
Value your team members’ preferences and capitalize
on the team’s differences to maximize performance.
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United Power Consulting